Four Peas sees through email reporting

Four Peas sees through email reporting

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The ability to see and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing campaigns is a priority for every business – but it’s not always straightforward to achieve. Now The Four Peas is ensuring that clients commissioning email-based campaigns benefit from outstandingly clear, easy to access reports.

Online access
Maximising the effectiveness of email marketing is about more than just great messaging, design and technical skills. “The Four Peas uses industry leading software to provide stunningly powerful campaign reports,” says The Four Peas’ Bill Vallis. “It’s clear that clients value the way we manage, deliver and report on email marketing programmes.”

Great looking reports
Many marketing professionals have had the dubious pleasure of trying to interpret nonsensical data passed-off as campaign reporting. It might have kept the anoraks in the web development team happy, but few decision makers found such reports a useful way of monitoring effectiveness. Now all that’s changed.

The Four Peas’ campaign reporting service means that clients can use elegantly presented reports to quickly and easily evaluate their email marketing. It all starts with a campaign snapshot – a single page summary with all the key information available at a glance. Then there’s a wide range of additional reports that give users a truly detailed picture – such as who’s opening the email, when, and what links they’ve clicked.

Use insights to drive marketing success
“Our reporting’s transparent and easy to navigate – everyone can use it,” enthuses Bill Vallis. He emphasises that great reporting is much more than just an evaluation tool. The Four Peas can work with clients, using report data to develop marketing insights and maximise follow-on results.


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